NADRA Helps Somalia to launch Digital ID Card System


Somalia Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre inaugurates the country’s national identity system

On a bright Sunday morning in Mogadishu, Somalia, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre marked a momentous occasion that would have a profound impact on the nation's future.

The Somali National Identification System (SNIDS) was officially inaugurated in collaboration with the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA). This event, which coincided with International Identity Day, drew a distinguished crowd, including development partners from around the world.

The international community turned out in full force to witness this historic moment, with representatives from Pakistan, the European Union, the World Bank Group, the United Kingdom, the United States, Gulf countries, ID4Africa, as well as diplomats and UN agencies all present. It was a testament to the significance of this initiative.

In his address to the gathering, Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre extended his heartfelt appreciation to his Pakistani counterpart and NADRA for their invaluable support throughout the implementation of SNIDS.

He also commended them for their generous assistance in bolstering the capacity of the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA) in Somalia.

The international dignitaries, including UN Special Representative for Somalia Catriona Laing and British Ambassador to Somalia Mike Nithavrianakis, expressed their admiration for NADRA's robust systems and offered congratulations to both the Pakistani and Somali governments for this remarkable achievement.

It was a tangible example of the strong ties between Pakistan and Somalia, with Pakistan extending a multimillion-dollar grant to support its brotherly nation.

The issuance of national IDs was a pivotal moment for Somalia, as it enabled NIRA and the Ministry of Interior to fulfill their mandate of improving governance, enhancing security, and driving socioeconomic development in the country. These IDs would provide Somali citizens with a secure and universally recognized form of identification.

Even President of Somalia Hassan M Sheikh himself enrolled for his national ID, alongside other government dignitaries, as part of the nationwide registration drive. This gesture underscored the significance of the occasion and the unity of purpose in advancing Somalia's development.

SNIDS was expected to streamline public service delivery, including social welfare programs, healthcare services, and electoral processes, ultimately leading to better governance.

NADRA Chairman Asad Rehman Gilani conveyed a heartfelt message to his counterpart in Somalia, expressing immense pride in the successful execution and launch of Somalia's National Identification System. He emphasized Pakistan's vision for a more secure and prosperous Somalia, where every citizen has access to reliable identification.

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