Blinken Meets Palestinian President Abbas in Surprise Visit


Mahmoud Abbas - Antony Blinken meeting in Ramallah, West Bank

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has issued an urgent plea to the United States, calling for an immediate intervention to halt what he terms as Israel's war on Gaza. During a surprise visit by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Ramallah, Abbas expressed his demands for an immediate cessation of hostilities and a swift provision of humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

Abbas employed strong language to describe the situation, referring to the actions in Gaza as a "war of genocide and destruction" and condemned the Israeli war machine's apparent disregard for international law. The president also emphasized the Palestinian people's rejection of any forced displacement from Gaza, the West Bank, or Jerusalem.

Furthermore, Abbas attributed full responsibility to Israel for the current events, unequivocally stating that military solutions would not secure safety for Israel and insisting on an end to these actions. He reiterated the stance that true security and peace can only be realized by ending the Israeli occupation and establishing a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

During the meeting, Abbas also affirmed Palestine's commitment to the Gaza Strip as an integral part of the Palestinian state, vowing to uphold responsibilities in pursuit of a comprehensive political resolution.

Secretary Blinken's Middle East itinerary included discussions with regional leaders and PLO representatives in Amman, prior to his visit to Israel. In a press conference after these talks, Blinken highlighted Washington's opposition to a cease-fire, suggesting it would play into Hamas' hands. Conversely, President Joe Biden has been advocating for "humanitarian pauses."

The backdrop of these diplomatic engagements is the intensification of Israeli military operations in Gaza, following a cross-border attack by Hamas on October 7. The Health Ministry in Gaza has reported a staggering death toll as a result of the ongoing conflict, with significant casualties including children, while Israeli fatalities have also been reported. The numbers portray a grim reality of the human cost of this conflict, underscoring the urgency behind Abbas's call for intervention and support.

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